Do You Want to Open An Online Store? Magento is Here…

Esin Seçil YILMAZ
4 min readMay 28, 2021


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I mentioned WordPress in my previous article. In my new article, I will make a quick introduction to Magento, anyone will want to know who is considering to enter e-commerce After this article, you will master the basic information about “Using Magento”.

Enjoy your reading

What is Magento?

First of all, “What is Magento?” I want to say by starting. Magento is one of the most preferred and best open source e-commerce software in the world. Why do we call it is the best? Because it is very simple to use and functional.

It is a software that is used Magento Zend Framework and PHP technologies in its infrastructure. In addition, despite being open-source, it offers hundreds of free and paid themes and plugins.

It is currently being developed by the Adobe company.

There are two versions, paid and free. The free version is “Magento Community” and the paid version is “Magento Enterprise”.

What is the difference about the paid and free version? I would like to answer immediately for those who ask. Both the paid and free versions use the same basic source code and core structure. The difference between a paid and a free version is that the Magento Enterprise package comes with modules of about 50 payment systems offered by the developer. Apart from this, various updates released are first offered to Enterprise customers. But if you do not have a virtual store that receives hundreds of orders per hour, the Magento Community Edition version is quite sufficient in terms of usage. Because the price of the paid version is around 15,000 USD per year.

Why You Should Choose Magento as an E-Commerce Founder?

I can definitely tell you this, there are dozens of reasons to choose Magento.

Let’s look at these reasons together …

First of all, Magento is open source software. So if you built a website, I have good news for you: You don’t have to pay any fees.

Using Magento is very simple. The administration panel works with drag-and-drop logic.

Payment systems are very easy to integrate into Magento. Because almost all payment systems and banks have created ready-made modules for Magento.

In addition to all these, you can use Magento wherever you are, from your tablet. You can also connect from your mobile phone. Thus, you can access both customer access and management panel.

Undoubtedly, besides these good features, there are also some disadvantages. We can list them as follows:

When you want to code a special theme or plugin for your needs in Magento, the number of software developers specialized in Magento is less.

As the setup phase is a bit complicated, you may need technical assistance at this stage.

Due to the different coding structure, it is slower than other e-commerce scripts.

Famous Companies Using Magento

The following world famous companies have used Magento for their virtual stores. You can examine the e-commerce sites they have established with Magento by clicking on the brands below.

· Jaguar

· Liverpool FC

· Coca Cola

· HP

· Nike

· Ford

Magento Installation

So, how to install this software with huge features?

First of all, we create a droplet on

DigitaPagel Ocean Home
Creating Droplet in

We are entering with this droplete console link we created.

Droplet Concole

We give the ip address droplet as a domain name to this link.

We create an API key from Adobe magento site.

After saving the API key, our installation is completed.

Username and Password Section

Congratulations! Now you can start using Magento for your e-commerce site.

After Magento is installed, you can see the management screen as follows.

Our E-Commerce Website

Thank you for taking the time and reading my article…

