How to Install PostgreSQL?

Esin Seçil YILMAZ
3 min readMay 25, 2020

Now, This subject of article subject after the first post where we talked about ‘PostgreSQL, its features and advantages, which is the first of my article series. How to install PostgreSQL?’ in the second part. (Click for the Turkish version of the article.)

The first step you can take to install PostgreSQL on your computer, with Windows operating system, to go to and find the current PostgreSQL version. From the Setup window of the version we selected, we download it to our computer by following the steps below.

We can select the directory where we will load PostgreSQL from the setup file and proceed with the ‘Next’ button.

Then, the window comes about how to install PostgreSQL components. Here you can select the components you want and proceed to the next step.

A super user named ‘postgres’ is being created with the PostgreSQL database and we will be making our first connection with this user. We set a password for this user to use during connection.

PostgreSQL is running from the ‘5432’ port by default If this port is used on your computer, you can change it.

You can select your region from the screen below.

After this step, an installation summary window appears.

The ‘Ready for Installation’ window appears. You can start the installation by saying ‘Next’.

After the installation process begins, the following two windows open in order.

By clicking the ‘Finish’ button in the window showing that the installation is finished, we can terminate the institution.

When the ‘pgAdmin’ program, one of the interfaces we will use, is started, it will start with the internet browser. You will see the ‘pgAdmin 4 Dashboard’ screen as if you were logged in.

I logged in by entering the ‘postgres’ user password that I determined during the installation.

Finally, our database is ready for use. You can now use PostgreSQL.

Thank you for taking the time to read it.

