Esin Seçil YILMAZ
4 min readMay 27, 2021


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Introduction to the WordPress World

In this article, I will make a quick introduction to the WordPress world, which has approximately 8 million users around the world, and tell you what this software is, what it is for and how it is used. Finally, I will talk about how to install this software and complete my article.

I hope it will be an enjoyable read for you :)

What is this WordPress?

In fact, a Content Management System (CMS), WordPress is a system that allows you to set up a ready-made website, create content such as articles, blogs or news on this website, manage and publish these contents.

It is coded in PHP, is open source licensed software and runs on a MySQL database.

There are two different versions of WordPress. These are and All of the definitions and explanations we will talk about in this article will belong to

WordPress Home Page

What is WordPress for and How is it used?

As I mentioned above, WordPress allows you to set up a website and create content on that website. If we take a closer look; Photo sites, blog sites, news site, accommodation site, real estate site etc. You can easily build websites.

Why You Should Use WordPress?

WordPress offers you some really nice features to grow in the digital world and reach more people. Especially if you have an idea to create a personal or corporate online website, you can choose WordPress in no time.

You can choose any of the thousands of free and paid themes available for you to use on your website.

It contains thousands of plugins that we call plugins. So what do these plugins do? For example, you can make your page more interactive with any social media button, whatsapp communication tool or contact form you add to your website. Again, you can access some of these add-ons for a fee and expand your options.

Another feature of WordPress is undoubtedly its versatility. If you ask what is this versatility, I can tell you that WordPress works on all types of websites and is suitable for all devices. You can also access this platform from anywhere, for example, while sipping your coffee in a cafe, you can also write and publish content from your phone. This actually reveals the mobile compatibility feature, which is another feature of WordPress.

Advantages of WordPress

I can definitely say this: WordPress has a modern structure. In other words, it is constantly updated against technology. Its use is becoming more and more user-oriented every day.

And finally, Wordpress is SEO compatible. Therefore, it will be very good to use an SEO compatible theme to increase the visibility of your website in the search engine.

How to Install WordPress?

Next, how to install WordPress? There is a subject. While installing, we create a droplet for WordPress from

Image of Creating Droplet

In the next step, we are asked to create a domain from the console connection screen. At this stage, since we do not have a domain name, we are using the IP in Digital Ocean as shown in the image.

And finally, we create an admin account that we will use in WordPress. We provide access to our account by entering the user information we have determined on the admin screen in WordPress.

Admin Page

You can see the homepage of the WordPress website we designed below.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article…

